Work, rest and blog
I’m not sure why I started this blog, other than to try out WordPress (which is really good, and really simple to set up). There is I suppose a bit of a risk in putting out a blog so closely related to my day job - well actually not so much close as joined at the hip :-), and certainly there are examples of people taking it too far and getting into trouble. Then of course there are the work blogs that turn into nothing more than PR puffery.
I do think it’s a useful way of getting my own thoughts into some sort of shape - the process of writing forces that - and trying to express myself coherently (which is always a challenge, as any who know me will testify).
So what comes next? Not shocking revelations from behind the scenes at the museum. For a start we don’t have any shocking revelations. In fact there’s not even any really dull revelations. Plus I’ve been on leave for several weeks, so I’m a bit out of touch. And I still have to write my talk for Electric Connections in Perth on Monday. Aaaaagh!