A suitable case for tweetment

On Wednesday last I attended a talk at Te Papa by Tee Morris about social media. Much of the stuff I was already familiar with - blogging, YouTube, Ning, Bebo, Facebook, Flickr and so on. As far as I know, I was the first person to use Flickr for collection images (glad to see the work continues after my departure!). But Twitter had not so much passed me by - I had set up an account to see what it was, but never actually used it - as been something I just didn’t get. Maybe it’s my age. I hope not!

Anyhoo (as everyone seems to be saying now - have they all become Scottish or something?) I was almost convinced. At least I could see how it might form part of a viable strategy for an organisation in some circumstances. Sometimes it does seem that all social media are just a short corporate invasion away from jumping the shark (and turning into MySpace). But this is very striking - maybe there really is something to Twitter. How often has it happened that the users themselves define what the application is really for (and end up driving its development)? Don’t bother to answer - it’s every time.

2 Responses to “A suitable case for tweetment”

  1. Tee Morris Says:

    Thank you so much for the wonderful comments and for attending my talk. I had a great time in New Zealand, and hope to return in 2010.

    By the way, I’m typing this in full view of my WordPress class. They say “Hi.”

  2. Pete Says:

    You’re welcome. Thank you for coming to NZ to give the talk! Pity I don’t have my personal email open at work - I’d have seen the comment and could have said ‘Hi’ back.