Rainbow Coalition

I was much taken with notion of the Home Office Bungle. It did make me wonder about the rest of the cast of clowns. George would perhaps be Geoff Hoon (Lord Privy Seal? Sounds like a posh lavatory attendant – probably about the right mark for Buff, then).

george.jpg hoon.jpg

Hmmm, works for me. Now what about Zippy? Tessa Jowell perhaps?

zippy.jpg jowell2.jpg

Some, of course, are from a different children’s programme entirely:

bagpuss.jpg brown3.jpg

I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it.
Thomas Jefferson

One Response to “Rainbow Coalition”

  1. Longrider Says:

    And I used to like Bagpuss… :(

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