Archive for September, 2005

A night at the Opera

Wednesday, September 28th, 2005

This isn’t really museum-related, except that I am a dedicated technophile and I also work in a museum. The Opera browser which used to be available free only in a version supported by ads (you had to buy a licence to get rid of the adverts) is now available absolutely free and without ads.
Pop over [...]

A league of their own

Monday, September 26th, 2005

I’m not sure why, but whenever I hear the words ‘MA Conference‘ my heart sinks, and my mind conjures up images of curators in football kits aimlessly running around a muddy pitch. With really bad haircuts. Am I alone in this?
Anyway, the point is that the hot topics at any professional conference always seem to [...]

APSE: the (k)nave of clubs?

Saturday, September 10th, 2005

OK, so we didn’t win. But to be beaten in a category called ‘Innovation and IT in service delivery’ by something that is not by any stretch of the imagination innovative in an IT sense is a bit rich (and I’m sure the other genuinely innovative projects felt the same). And perhaps the site shouldn’t [...]

The art of love

Wednesday, September 7th, 2005

Interesting article in the latest MJ on singles events in museums and art galleries. Not sure how that would work out at our museums, which mostly aren’t that big (and aren’t art galleries). Still, our industrial museum might be a suitable venue on a summer evening in June or July - a big open air [...]

100 million monkeys, but still no Shakespeare*

Thursday, September 1st, 2005

There seems to be something of a concerted campaign on denigration underway at the moment directed at Creative Commons in, amongst others, the Register and elsewhere. The attacks seem to be based on a combination of misinformation and a misapprehension of copyright law (one writer in particular being ignorant of the copyright law of the [...]