Archive for the 'mw2007' Category

Blogging the train from Merced to Martinez

Thursday, April 19th, 2007

The bus from Yosemite made good time and actually arrived at Merced Amtrak station early. The station itself is just a small building, and there’s no cafĂ© - but you can buy drinks and unhealthy snacks from a machine, so I naturally made use of them. The train was perfectly on time, but I did [...]

Yosemite Falls - and I don’t

Wednesday, April 18th, 2007

After two sunny days, today was more cloudy. Indeed it was snowing all day - just flurries, and nothing sticking. It didn’t seem to me to be cold enough for snow, but maybe I’m becoming acclimatised to Scotland. Certainly Yosemite Creek was full of slush formed from the spray from the fall, though with the [...]

Scotch mist trail

Tuesday, April 17th, 2007

Today I took the well-travelled (by the at least slightly fit) trail to Vernal Fall and the onwards and upwards to Nevada Fall via a series of seemingly endless stairs. I now have a new mental image of the Stairs of Cirith Ungol. The path is called the Mist Trail, but to be honest a [...]

Beauty as well as bread

Tuesday, April 17th, 2007

I’m reminded of what Bill Bryson said of Yosemite in the Lost Continent (from memory): “When you arrive in Yosemite, your first thought is that you have died and gone to heaven. Your second thought is, that means you are going to spend eternity with a lot of fat Americans in Bermuda shorts.” But don’t [...]

Toddling in John Muir’s footsteps

Monday, April 16th, 2007

One day, perhaps, I shall arrive in Yosemite during daylight, and really experience the drive into the valley. This time, as last time, I arrived in darkness - seeing nothing beyond the road ahead picked out in the car’s headlights. Yet in some ways this is the ideal way to experience the valley - to [...]

Seconds out / second thoughts?

Saturday, April 14th, 2007

OK, just half an hour or so before the session with my presentation starts. Am I afraid? Well, yes, I am a little apprehensive. But it’s too late to back out now! At least everything seems to work and I’ve run through it all severall times. Fingers crossed.
UPDATE: It all went fine. even using a [...]

SF story

Wednesday, April 11th, 2007

After the morning session on museum blogging developments, I went out for a walk to get some fresh air and a bite to eat. Bought a really nice bacon sandwich and a coffee and sat in the little park behind the Yerba Bueana Center for the Arts. It’s a beautiful warm day (rather like [...]

Sleepless in San Francisco

Wednesday, April 11th, 2007

‘Well, I’m back’, he said. And in San Francisco, in the hotel and ready for Museums and the Web 2007 (now with added me). The paper is online, the presentation is (pretty much) done, and I haven’t slept for over forty hours. I went to bed at 11.30pm on Monday (UK time), but just [...]

The quick and the deadline

Sunday, February 4th, 2007

Well, I did get may paper for Museums and the Web 2007 in on time - right on the deadline 30th January, though I had calculated that since it was being submitted to somewhere in Toronto I would theoretically have until 5am on the 31st… and at times it seemed like I might need the [...]

Papiere, bitte

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2006

My proposal for a paper for Museums & the Web 2007 has been accepted! I am overcome with excitement … coupled with a terror that I now have to write the damn thing. I don’t mind talking about it - public speaking doesn’t worry me at all - but the writing somehow terrifies me. On [...]