Archive for March, 2008

Sound of Museums Revisited

Monday, March 17th, 2008

List Ev’ry Object
List ev’ry object
Search high and low
Name, location, donor,
And all you need to know
List ev’ry object
Make sure your scheme
Will comply with Spectrum.
It’s like a bad dream.
A scheme that will list
All the stuff in the store.
It would not be so bad
If it weren’t such a bore.
List ev’ry object
Make sure your scheme
Will comply with Spectrum
It’s like [...]

Inside out

Sunday, March 16th, 2008

Insider or outsider? I’ve always felt that I am an outsider, but is that how I’m seen? Or am I really part of the museums establishment in Scotland? Though I never aimed to be or wanted to be, and though I can’t see myself as The Man, maybe that role is now mine. So we [...]

Leaving on a jet plane

Saturday, March 1st, 2008

I’ve been extremely dilatory about this blog since April last year. The intervening months have been a bit weird to be honest. I went with my family to visit my brother in New Zealand again (and hang the expense!) last summer*. While I was there I had an interview for a job. Since then, I’ve [...]