Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

A league of their own

Monday, September 26th, 2005

I’m not sure why, but whenever I hear the words ‘MA Conference‘ my heart sinks, and my mind conjures up images of curators in football kits aimlessly running around a muddy pitch. With really bad haircuts. Am I alone in this?
Anyway, the point is that the hot topics at any professional conference always seem to [...]

Well adjusted

Wednesday, August 24th, 2005

One of the problems about material published on the web, as with other stuff done on computers (letters, exhibitions, articles for example), is that the possibility exists to endlessly and almost effortlessly continue tinkering with settings, layout or exact phraseology in the pursuit of some (probably) imaginary perfection. So I’ve spent the last ten minutes [...]

Work, rest and blog

Tuesday, August 16th, 2005

I’m not sure why I started this blog, other than to try out WordPress (which is really good, and really simple to set up). There is I suppose a bit of a risk in putting out a blog so closely related to my day job - well actually not so much close as joined at [...]

100% wrong

Thursday, August 4th, 2005

I suppose this comes under the heading of the public understanding of science, but I’m really irritated by the current Ford Mondeo advert, especially the first line “Survival depends on the ability to evolve”.
Well, no, it doesn’t. In fact it could not be more wrong. Actually, “Evolution depends on the ability to survive.”